Marjoram, dried

MarnaMaria Spices and Herbs

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MarnaMaria Spices and Herbs

Dried Marjoram

Herb with Pine & Citrus Flavors

Tasty, Mild Herb from the Mediterranean

Delicious, lighter herb with ties to mint and oregano.

An herb in the oregano and mint family, Marjoram is a sweeter, delicate, and lighter version of its cousin. In fact, sometimes oregano is called “wild marjoram.” This tasteful herb brings an unanticipated flavor to dishes and will leave your guests guessing the mystery ingredient

Marjoram really shines in the kitchen. Dried, the herb holds that lovely fragrance and its flavor much better than other herbs do. Marjoram combines well with other seasonings and will enhance so many different dishes. Consider it a natural companion for meat dishes but don’t hesitate to use dried marjoram to season vegetables served cooked or raw, fish and chicken or dishes with eggs and/or cheese. It is especially good along with other herbs and potatoes.


Packing Sizes and Dimensions

Glass Jar (1/2 cup) - 14 grams / 0.49 oz.

Stand Up Pouch (3/4 cup) - 22 grams / 0.78 oz.

Bulk Bag (2 cups) - 60 grams / 2.12 oz.

Bulk Bag (4 cups) - 120 grams / 4.23 oz.



Dried Marjoram

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Made in Hawaii with imported ingredients.

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